Author Day Visits
PowerPoint Topics
“Who Inspires You?”
Ever wonder where an artist gets ideas or how a story begins? Designed for K – 3rd grade readers
“Neighborhoods Rule!”
How does an artist become a writer? Everyday community heroes are the real life inspiration for the author’s books.
Designed for 3rd- 8th grade readers
“City Green”
Right in the middle of Marcy’s city block there is a littered vacant lot. Find out what happens when a whole neighborhood pitches in to help make a difference in their community.
From inception to publication through sketches, illustrations and of course, endless rewrites.
Designed for 3rd grade – Adult
City Green: A Musical for All Ages
Author Day Example:
One 50 minute PowerPoint presentation for grades K-2
One 50 minute PowerPoint presentation for grades 3-4
Lunch with 10 reluctant readers/writers
One 50 minute PowerPoint presentation for grades 5-6
Each presentation includes a character drawing that is donated to the school library.
A 15 minute visit with afternoon kindergartners. DyAnne was an afternoon kindergartner and does not want them to miss out on the event!
To schedule a visit or for more information please contact DyAnne at
Executive Assistant to the Author:
Leann Carlson
Book Orders
To order books conveniently for your event, please contact: Allyson Hickey
Publishers will provide a 30%-40% discount on books that are purchased for author appearances.